“I am an energetic, leadership and positive mindset coach, passionate about people, their conscious and unconscious beliefs, behaviours and feelings. In my coaching conversations, I guide my clients to dive deeper in their capabilities of what they truly want, who they are, what they can and will do to reach their highest authentic success. I am convinced that focussing on the unique strengths and talents people have is the key for obtaining flow in their professional and personal life. “
Employing techniques and methodologies from NLP and positive psychology, Joelle’s aim is to bring people in movement, out of their comfort zone, whilst increasing their awareness to the limiting beliefs that are holding them back in reaching their goals. In certain coaching programs she introduces breathing and mindful techniques to create extra space in the mind, which stimulates extra creativity and focus in the brain.
Joelle worked for over 27 years as a business manager and sales director for large medical multinationals; her experience, having worked with sales teams and all layers of an organisation, helps her now to quickly understand a business context and recognise team dynamics.
Joelle is a certified professional coach, a certified stress and burnout coach, member of the VESB, and a certified career planning coach. She obtained her certificates in renowned coaching centres such as Better Minds at Work, Your coach and Systo. In addition, Joelle is a certified Yoga instructor, focussing on breath work and traditional Hatha yoga.
… And if she is not working, you can find Joelle on her yoga mat, running on the beach, cooking a recipe from Ottolenghi or reading a good book.
Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.
Tony Robbins